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Photo of Abuser Mark King in the Red Rose Database

Mark King

Bromley – Wood Green Sexual Abuser

April 2008 Youth sentenced for girl’s murder A 17-year-old youth who “brutally” stabbed and battered his ex-girlfriend to death in north London has been sentenced to life at the Old Bailey. Danielle Johnson, 17, was beaten with a brick and repeatedly stabbed behind garages in Palmerston Road, Wood Green, in May 2007. Mark King-Bromley, from Palmers Green, north London, admitted murder. In a statement Danielle’s father Wesley Johnson said the sentence will not be able to “null the pain of our loss”. Mark King-Bromley was ordered to serve a minimum of 12 years. The court heard King-Bromley, who was in a new relationship but was still having sex with Danielle, attacked her after a row because he thought she was “harassing” him. She died in hospital 11 days later from chest and head injuries. Mr Johnson said Danielle’s siblings, four brothers and a baby sister, are “still grieving” a year since the “brutal” attack. “The years given to the defendant are just a number. No amount of years will be able to null the pain of our loss,” he said. “Danielle will never come back to us no matter how many years given to the guilty. The only consolation is that the guilty person is behind bars for a long time.” Sentencing the youth Judge Stephen Kramer said: “This was a terrible and brutal outburst of violence using a weapon you had deliberately taken with you with tragic consequences. “You could not cope with what you perceived as harassment from Danielle and you could suppress your anger no longer.”  

Other Abusers in Bromley – Wood Green