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Photo of Abuser Lewis Walker in the Red Rose Database

Lewis Walker

Warwick Sexual Abuser

July 2018 Man ends up in jail three years after under-age sex A man who had sex with two 13-year-old girls on the same night has been jailed after repeatedly breaching a community order he was originally given for the offences. Lewis Walker finally ran out of chances when he appeared at Warwick Crown Court after constantly ignoring court orders. The 21-year-old, of no fixed address, but previously of Saltisford in Warwick, had originally denied two charges of sexual activity with a child. But when he was arrested on a warrant after failing to turn up for trial, he changed his pleas to guilty, having earlier admitted two offences of making indecent images of children. In April last year he was given a three-year community sentence and ordered to take part in a sex offender programme for up to 100 days and a rehabilitation activity for 40 days. He was told it was only because the offences took place in 2015 that he was not being jailed. But since then he has been back before the court on a number of occasions for repeatedly failing to comply with various aspects of the order. On the last occasion he was given a final chance by the case being adjourned for him to be assessed for a place at a probation hostel in Leamington. But at the resumed hearing, Judge Anthony Potter was handed a report which showed Walker had been involved in an altercation with another resident, who he had threatened. And the judge observed that of 44 appointments made for him during the course of the order, he had attended just 11 – and had not engaged with the Horizon sex offenders’ programme. Jailing Walker for four months, Judge Potter told him: “The order was imposed in April last year for two offences of sexual activity with a child and two of possessing indecent images of children. “Those offences date back to 2015 when you were in the company of a girl and her friend and, over the course of an evening, you had sexual intercourse with both of them. Both young girls were 13 at the time, and you would have been 17. “There is a suggestion that, both having initially consented, they became reluctant, but you ignored that. You were arrested, and your phone was seized and 11 images, including one in category A, were recovered. “You had had a troubled background. The court was minded to give you a chance by imposing a community order, thinking you would respond to the Horizon programme. “But the pattern of that order has been an unhappy one. You were breached just two days after it was imposed, and the order was allowed to continue. “The four breaches I must consider relate to the latter part of last year and the early part of this year, failing to attend the probation office, being evicted from accommodation because you had effectively been trashing the room, and in March making sexist and derogatory comments and failing to keep your room in a decent state. “You have chosen to sabotage support and accommodation, but I was prepared to adjourn for an assessment, a place having been found at approved premises in Leamington. “But I have been presented with a report which details an incident which almost erupted into violence when you stole the food of another resident and threatened to stab the other party. “The following day you threatened to have the other party assaulted, and then you had to be spoken to for threatening to stab your new room-mate, and when you were required to take part in mandatory activities, you responded with expletives. “You are a young man who, in my judgement, has no interest in protracted compliance. The court has been left with absolutely no option.” During the original hearing it was said that just before Walker’s 18th birthday he was contacted by a two girls who invited him back to the home of one of them to watch a movie. While they were watching it in the girl’s bedroom Walker, who was aware they were only 13, ended up under the duvet where he got on top of her, pulled down her leggings and had sex with her. “After a while she asked him to stop, but he told her ‘You can’t say stop until you finish me off.’ Afterwards she slid from under him and went to the bathroom.” Her friend went into another bedroom, and after following her, Walker ‘put her on the bed and pulled down her trousers and had sex with her too,’ said prosecutor Ben Gow.

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