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Photo of Abuser Jordan Allport in the Red Rose Database

Jordan Allport

Middlesbrough Sexual Abuser

March 2021 Victim’s plea to not ‘ruin’ teenage pervert’s life sees him avoid immediate custody A teenager who sexually abused a young girl was shown clemency following his victim’s plea not to ‘ruin his life’. Jordan Allport carried out the vile assaults several years ago when he turned a fun game into a sickening sexual ordeal for the young girl. He persuaded the youngster to put on a blindfold before playing a game where they had to determine what she was touching. Teesside Crown Court heard how the game started with innocuous objects such as fruit and a remote control but soon descended into genitalia. Richard Bennett, prosecuting, said: “They took turns touching things and then it became ‘what’s in my mouth’. “It started with food and a television remote control and then progressed the defendant putting her hand on his genitals. “He put a blindfold on himself and pulled down her pyjama bottoms and touched her.” Mr Bennett added: “In June 2019 she was learning about sex education and decided to tell the teacher about what happened to her and the police were called.” The teenager was subsequently arrested and interviewed by police were he made admissions about the sexual assaults. The 19-year-old, of Parkway Grove, Middlesbrough, pleaded guilty to three charges – sexual assault on a child under 13; encourage a child under 13 to engage in a sexual act; and sexual activity with a child Judge Stephen Ashurst sentenced Allport to 18 months in a young offender’s institute but suspended it for two years. He said: “You embarked on a game with her which you turned into an indecent game – she was an innocent.”

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