July 2020 Former Labour MP admits downloading child rape and torture movie Former Labour MP Eric Joyce has pleaded guilty to downloading a child rape and torture movie of a baby The 59-year-old former shadow minister, who was MP in Falkirk, Scotland, between 2000 and 2015, has been ordered to sign the Sex Offenders Register. Joyce, of Worlingworth, Suffolk, admitted making an indecent photograph of a child between 7 August 2013 and 6 November 2018 at a pre-trial hearing at Ipswich Crown Court. Judge Emma Peters said the single 51-second video, found on a device, “depicts a number of children”. “Some are quite young, one is said to be 12 months old,” she said. “Clearly a category-A movie.” Joyce, who was a Labour MP for 12 years and an independent for his final three, was granted bail and the judge instructed that a report be prepared before he is sentenced on 7 August.