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Photo of Abuser Christopher Rodgers in the Red Rose Database

Christopher Rodgers

Huyton Sexual Abuser

November 2020 Paedophile offered dad £200 to rape his daughter A paedophile offered to pay another man £200 if he could rape his nine-year-old daughter. Christopher Rodgers, 38, said he was willing to drive half the way down to London to meet and molest a little girl. The married man said he would need to see a photo of the child first, just in case he “didn’t find her attractive”. But the whole time he was talking to an undercover police officer, whose supposed daughter didn’t in fact exist. And when his home was searched, officers discovered his sickening stash of child rape videos and animal porn. The undercover officer, using the codename ‘Andy’, joined a Kik Messenger chatroom titled “JB Sluts and Schoolgirls” on August 21 last year Liverpool Crown Court heard Rodgers, of Taunton Road, Huyton, who had the username CR, was one of 49 members of the group. Natalia Cornwall, prosecuting, said Rodgers had posted non-indecent images of two young girls, who he claimed he had talked to online the night before. This resulted in other members criticising Rodgers, saying they wre “too young”, and him being “kicked out” of the group. Rodgers had also posted a video of a naked girl, aged between 10 and 11, falling into Category C – the least serious category – of indecent images. The officer started a private conversation with Rodgers, who indicatd he didn’t have any experience with real girls, but asked whether Andy had access to one Andy said he lived in London with a nine-year-old daughter and Rodgers asked if the child had any sexual experience. Rodgers then sent him a Category A – the most serious category – video of a 12-year-old girl being raped by a man. He asked for a photo of the man’s daughter and discussed meeting her, before Andy said: “What shall we do now then?” Rodgers replied “no idea if you’re in London” and Andy said they should leave it, but Rodgers suggested meeting “halfway”. Ms Cornwall said: “This was followed by ‘do you charge her out?’ and ‘would I be alone with her?'” When Andy asked “what’s reasonable for a couple of hours?” the court heard Rodgers replied: “F*** and a blowjob £200.” Rodgers cried in the dock as Ms Cornwall explained they moved their chat to WhatsApp because it was encrypted. Ms Cornwall said the next day Rodgers confirmed he still wanted to see the girl but “unless he saw an image of her it would be a waste of time” in case he “didn’t find her attractive”. Andy then withdrew from the conversation, so no arrangement to meet was ever reached. On September 19, police arrested Rodgers and searched his home, when they recovered two mobile phones. They found 46 Category A, 30 Category B and 28 Category C indecent photos and videos of children, plus two bestiality images. Officers also discovered evidence of him sharing another two Category A files showing children being raped in another Kik group, called “Young Girls”, to someone with the username “Creepy Guy”. When interviewed last year, Rodgers answered “no comment” to the majority of questions, but said he didn’t have a sexual interest in children and there wouldn’t be any chats of a sexual nature with children found on his devices. Ms Cornwall said: “He said in the past he had carried out his own investigation into online paedophiles, but didn’t want to talk about it further.” Rodgers, who has one previous conviction for an unrelated matter, was interviewed again in August, but made “no comment”. He pleaded guilty to intentionally encouraging the commission of an offence of rape of a child under 13. Rodgers also admitted three counts of distributing, three counts of downloading, and two counts of possessing indecent images of children, plus possessing extreme porn. Judge Thomas Teague, QC, said Rodgers expressed interest in sexual activity with a nine-year-old girl. He said: “To put it bluntly, you made it clear that you wished to rape her, both vaginally and orally.” The judge said Rodgers indicated he would pay £200 for this and “persisted” until the officer ended their exchange. He said the report outlined his “psychological vulnerability”, including an “adjustment disorder”, but he didn’t appear to suffer from any mental illness. Judge Teague said there had to be a significant reduction in the sentence because the girl didn’t exist, adding: “The offence you were planning could not therefore have taken place.” The judge said he also bore in mind Rodgers didn’t finalise an arrangement with the officer, but said he “came very close”. He jailed Rodgers for four and a half years and told him to sign on the Sex Offenders Register and comply with a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for 10 years. Rodgers’ wife sitting in the public gallery broke down in tears and sobbed loudly as her husband was sent down

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