August 2017 Sunderland child rapist found living rough in South Shields park A convicted child rapist has been jailed for failing to tell police where he was living. Charles Christopher Thompson left his house in Villette Road, Sunderland, and was living rough in a park when he was arrested, South Northumbria Magistrates’ Court heard. Thompson, 67, was convicted of rape at Truro in Cornwall in 2001. “He served his sentence,” said Paul Anderson, prosecuting. “As part of his conditions of release from custody he was obliged to tell police annually where he was living. “He did attend Waterloo Place police office in Sunderland to sign on, but was informed he could only sign the register at Southwick police station. “ An officer at Waterloo Place offered to give him a lift, but Mr Thompson declined to wait.” The court heard police called at Thompson’s last known address in Villette Road. “They put security tags on the doors,” added Mr Anderson. “These were not disturbed over a period of time, enabling officers to conclude Thompson was not living there. “He was eventually found living rough in Marine Park in South Shields.” Thompson, of no fixed abode, admitted one charge of breaching sex offender notification requirements. He denied a second charge, but was convicted after a trial. Thompson was jailed for 30 weeks, and ordered to pay £340 costs.